Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Table source: Table from Li et. al. article
The table above reveals statistics for 16 randomly selected households in Inner Mongolia which were commercially involved in livestock breeding. All of these households were experiencing drops in their income compared to previous years. According to Li, this drop can be attributed to the degradation of the grasslands: “Because of ecological degradation and excessive cutting, the grassland could not supply enough hay, the herders have to expend much money to buy hay from outside. For most of the households the hay expenditure accounted for more than 50% of the total cost, while in the husbandry year 2000, the expenditure for buying hay only accounted for 22% of total expenses” (Li et al) . The amount of hay which could be extracted from the grassland has decreased at a disturbing rate, thus revealing the alarming rate of grassland degradation in Inner Mongolia as a whole.

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